Tag Archives: teen

Supernatural Encounter


Let me take you on a journey, one that I have not shared a whole lot about. Most, if not many, of my blog entries are related to all things organic, sport and chic with family tied in. I don’t know who needed to hear this or read this but here goes.

Supernatural encounter is a hefty title, one that I would only reserve for something of great magnitude. Have you ever experienced something so phenomenal that it could only be dubbed as a supernatural? I personally have only experienced such an encounter on a few occasions, and because it’s so rare, it truly is supernatural. Let me expound on this for a moment.

Several years ago I was in church and during the worship part of the service (while I was singing) and I felt an incredible heat come over me. It was like a hot wave that started from my head and flowed over my entire body. At that moment I heard Gods voice speaking into my spirit to step out and pray with someone. God was very specific and I “tested” him by saying “Okay, but I will only know this is from you God IF we sing one more worship song.” By this point we had sung a handful of songs so I knew we were almost done, and that the pastor would be coming to the stage to deliver his sermon.

God has a sense of humor and wouldn’t you know that at the end of this song, the worship leader said “I feel God moving, and we are going to sing ONE LAST SONG.” I literally was a ball of tears, and my body started to shake uncontrollably. I had to crawl over my husband and a few others to get out of my seat. I know he thought someone had died the way I was acting! I quickly made my way to where this woman was sitting and I laid hands on her and prayed. I prayed for healing, and restoration. She had no idea what was happening until I was done, because I came up from behind her. Luckily she was sitting on an end seat! This was my first true supernatural encounter with God. He used little old me to do something great for someone else.

It was such an amazing experience, I sought God and asked Him to use me, to a work in me and let me be His servant. In my little mind I thought this would be a regular thing. Let me tell you it was not. I would not experience anything like this for several years. It wasn’t until I saw a post on social media from a friend that she was diagnosed with breast cancer and that the cancer was rampant in her body. I spent days praying for her, and one particular day I had that same feeling of heat come over my body and I heard Gods voice telling me to call her. He said to tell her I was to come to her house, lay hands on her and pray over her, anoint her with oil and wash her feet!

Did you catch that?! God said He wanted me to WASH HER FEET!

 I thought I was losing my mind because I had never done this before. I questioned this for a bit before I called her but God kept urging me to call. God won, and I showed up at her house with the largest bottle of EVOO that anyone has every laid eyes on. A mutual friend joined us as we did exactly what God had called me to do! Fast forward about 9 months and that same friend was told by her cancer doctors at an appt. that she was CANCER FREE! Not only was she cancer free, but that the tumor they could not remove due to its location, was GONE! If this doesn’t give you chills, then I don’t know what will. This was a miracle from God!

Several months pass and wouldn’t you know another one of these supernatural experiences would happen again? This time it wold involve a complete stranger and his son, who was in the hospital fighting cancer. Just like the two previous stories, I followed Gods urging. I brought my friend that was healed from cancer with me and stood in that tiny hospital room and spoke healing over his body and life over this young man! Two years have passed and this precious  teenager is walking in healing and is in remission from cancer! *insert goose bumps for a third time*

So here I sit and think about how crazy good God is. I cannot really put my emotions into words because you have to experience it like I have to fully wrap your brain around it all. I am currently leading a Bible Study group at my church, Priscilla Shirer’s Discerning The Voice of God  with a small group of women, and it has been a powerful study! Last week a sweet woman shared with the group of some needs and how she is trusting God for healing. I once again, immediately felt heat come over my body and Gods voice speak very clearly into my spirit. His words were audible as if he was sitting in front of me in the flesh having a conversation with me. “Tell her you want to lay hands on her, pray over her for healing. Wash her feet and anoint her with oil.” I must admit I was hesitant again because I wanted to be 100% sure that this was God speaking to me. I shared this with the group and when the friend started to cry and said she received this, I knew it was from God.

In this study, we have been learning to hear Gods voice, and to confirm His word in our hearts through His word when He speaks. I am very careful not to act on any feelings of my own, but let God lead. In the days that have followed, less than one week, I have received bold confirmations from God that He was speaking loud and clear. The confirmations came by way of “verse of the day” from the Bible app.

Don’t ever underestimate God and his power to bring healing. He can use anyone, you just have to be willing. I leave you with these two verses.

Mondays verse of the day was this:

Wednesdays daily verse was this:


“I Let Them Win”


When you have labored and worked tirelessly for 19 years to pour into your children’s lives, the day they make a shift and you see a glimpse of the young men they are growing into, it truly stops you in your tracks. You cannot help but stop and reflect. Being a mom means you give of yourself daily, that’s literally 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Your job never sleeps nor takes a day off.

I am a boy mom. I have three teenage boys living in why house, ages 19, 16 and 14. Being a mom is a tough job. There are so many hats we wear on a daily basis, and sometimes, more often than not, we let our kids win. Winning in a boy household means everything. It could be pertaining to a heated monopoly game, football in the backyard, a video game or even a competition over who can eat their food the quickest or burp the loudest! It just never ends. But again, as moms, we almost always “let our kids win” even if we are faking the loss.

Today that “faking a loss” came full circle, and as a mom I could not have been prouder! Let me take a moment to set the stage.

My 16-year-old son was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at age 12. Not long after Luke’s diagnosis, we encouraged him to share his incredible story on how exercise saved his life. Luke has grown up competing in sports since he was 6 years old. The eye for him has always been on the prize, that coveted podium finish with a medal around his neck. Winning a race or placing in the top 5 has always been his goal. Pretty normal for a young boy.

For 4 years, Luke has been sharing his story to area schools across Central Florida, local businesses and community boards. Through sharing his story, he says he’s showing kids and adults that nothing is impossible, even living with a disease like Type 1 Diabetes. When he closes the presentation, he encourages everyone to partake in his Lr Challenge. The challenge is spending 30 minutes each day doing something active. This means shutting off the computers, video games, phones, etc and doing something physical for 30 min whether they are inside at a gym or outside in their backyard.

Today, Luke met with students and faculty at Candlelight Christian Academy where he shared his story. We met some amazing young men and women, even a fellow teen with T1D as well. It was such a joy to see Luke interacting with everyone but what happened next that brought me to tears.

Luke was talking to group of boys, and within moments an arm wrestling challenge ensued. Luke takes pride in all the strength training he puts in and how he has built an incredible base, so all I could think of was these unsuspecting kids have no idea of his ability and strength! With a big smile on Luke’s face, and the first boy getting settled to measure up and arm wrestle. I watched as my son pushed against his opponent hard but only for a fraction of second, before his opponent defeated him. One by one, students walked up to challenge Luke and the arm wrestling match ensued. After every match, each student expressed great satisfaction in beating Luke at a game they were certain they would not succeed in.

When we left I asked Luke the simple question “Why?” He proudly stated “Well mom, I wanted them to feel good about themselves, and when they go home they can tell their parents they beat me in an arm wrestling match.” In other words, he let them win.

I may do a lot of things wrong, but I know I have done something right when I hear my 16-year-old competitive son say “I let them win.”

Did You Say Vegetable Gummies?


Everyone comes up with crazy resolutions when it’s a new year. I keep hearing people around me say:

“I’m going to get healthy this year” or “I’m going to eat better this year” and the most famous one “I’m going to start an exercise and diet program.” 

All of these things can be good and are beneficial to everyone, however about 8% of the individuals who make these resolutions, actually stick to them and succeed.  This is a very low statistic and yet the choice is very simple, and can be very easy. It truly is just mind over matter and a few small adjustments.

I am always looking for ways to help my family stay healthy, and keep sicknesses at bay, but aren’t we all? I pour over research studies on all kinds of supplements, vitamins and ways to provide a healthier living for myself and my family. I have been using a product for the last 6 months that has truly been my daily breakfast. I have blogged about it before, and I credit my success in Ironman training to using Vive  as my breakfast shake and then for recovery after long workouts. I continue to us this product to this very day.

I also take a multi vitamin on a daily basis, but so does Hot Hubs and my teenage boys. With sickness and disease always in the back of my mind, I often wonder if we are doing enough. We are extremely healthy eaters here at Casa Rosser, and I buy all Organic 99% of the time. We bone up on extra Vitamin D in the winter months as well as Vitamin C in efforts to remain healthy. It wasn’t until a few months ago that I was asked to try out a whole food vitamin, that would essentially provide me with the exact amount of fruits and vegetables that our bodies require on a daily basis. Of course my argument was,

“Oh, that sounds great but you know we eat uber healthy, and I take a multi vitamin.” 

The end result of this conversation was two packages of Juice Plus Fruit & Vegetable Gummies. I was given a months supply to try out to see how I liked it.  Never mind that the gummies themselves tasted amazing,  but how I was eating garlic, broccoli, parsley, beets, etc., in these chewable round balls of goodness was beyond me! And no more added supplements, just these fabulous soft little gum drop like gummies.


After eating these incredibly delicious vitamins everyday, and hearing how something so simple could revolutionize my life as an asthmatic, I was all ears to hear more. The benefits are astounding as the clinical trials and testimonies speak for themselves. I have asthma really bad, and anytime I get a common cold, it automatically turns into bigger issues. I get violently ill, and it takes me weeks to recover, not to mention a few doctors visits, with a round of steroids and a list of medications and inhalers. The clinical trials have shown that Juice Plus has helped dramatically with inflammation in ones body.

Umm…. HELLO…… asthma is a form of inflammation! 

The statistics associated with those who have used Juice Plus for four months and longer absolutely spoke for themselves. My 14 year old teenage son has been taking Juice Plus for several months now and his acne has dramatically improved, to the point where others were noticing. What also got my attention was how the use of Juice Plus after a period of time, actually regenerates red blood cells in ones body! To read more about this research and ongoing research, just click on this link: Juice Plus

Bottom line is this. I am always open to how I can help myself and my family live a healthier lifestyle. However I am a very cautious person and don’t just jump on the current bandwagon. I can honestly say I have been been watching many friends for the course of 5 years, take Juice Plus and have amazing testimonies to share. The results are speaking for themselves. I have been traveling on air planes, in and out of hotels, been around many sick people, including my own sister when she had strep throat (the first 48 hours prior to her going to the doctor), and I am here to share with you all I have not gotten one form of illness.


I am going into my fourth month of taking Juice Plus Fruits & Vegetable vitamins, and I’m excited to see how the next four months pan out. Because of my current results, Hot Hubs and all three of our boys are now also taking Juice Plus!

By no means was this blog post meant to be an infomercial but simply share with you all what I’ve been doing to help my body shy away from sickness and obtain optimum health.

So instead of pledging to live a healthier lifestyle, and eat better, why not actually DO IT?! Making healthy choices is simple. Try spending 30 minutes everyday doing something active like walking with your spouse, a neighbor or a friend, and know what you’re feeding your body each day.  Lastly, add a daily dose of healthy whole food vitamins. Wether it’s Juice Plus or not, do yourself a favor and read the clinical research that has been done on Juice Plus.

I did and I’m never looking back!

Need more information? I’m just a blog post away.

Diabetes Sports Project Champion


Life with a child living with type one diabetes is hard. It’s not all rainbows and unicorns. I have blogged about this journey with Luke before, and have shared with the world how we, as a family, have approached this terrible disease. Life on this balance beam is tough, but we have no choice. We can never let our guard down.

But what an honor it is when an organization contacts your son, asking if he would like to be a Champion DSP!


Diabetes Sports Project  is an incredible organization built to inspire. Led by a group of world-class athletes who thrive with diabetes, their stories, athletic accomplishments and community outreach empower others to live healthy, responsible and active lives.”

For Luke to be asked to be apart of Diabetes Sports Project is such an honor. Of course as his momma I am to the moon proud of him, but more importantly I am proud of how he is managing his diabetes and spreading awareness in his community.

Looking into 2017, Luke has set new goals and is ready to soar to new heights. The Fine Wine For A Fine Cause event is set for February (put on by his parents of course), more T1D Panels, a 5K Family Challenge and a T1D Rally that is slated to take place next November and of course working with the American Diabetes Association on spreading awareness, and speaking to schools about overall health and wellness.

From Luke and his family, we openly thank Eric Tozer and his team for giving Luke the honor of being apart of the Diabetes Sports Project family.

Together we are the voice. We are the change! 

That Sauce: Finger Lickin’ Date Sauce


In Florida, we look forward to fall as it means, cooler, beautiful weather, unlike the 90 degree plus humidity temps we are used to all summer long. With that comes all those delicious fall festivals and good eats! I am a sucker for all things fall since I grew up in Atlanta, and just a short drive to Ellijay, GA where all the fabulous apple festivals are held.

It has become a tradition that our family will enjoy dinner in our little quaint downtown area in Winter Garden, FL and feast on great delicacies at Plant Street Market. Inside this great market is Press’d Juice Bar & Kitchen.  I had the wonderful opportunity to have one of their fall smoothies, the Pumpkin Spice Smoothie. To describe to you the burst of raw, vegan delicious flavor would be a travesty as it is one you must personally experience. However, the real surprise was the “caramel sauce” that was drizzled on top. Being Press’d Juice Bar is a vegan bar, I knew this was no ordinary sauce. When I asked what they were drizzling on top of the smoothie, the sweet gal responded that it was “date sauce.”

While I am an all thing organic, fresh, healthy, sometimes raw kind of gal, I have never heard of this!

After I slurped and practically licked my cup clean from that incredible smoothie, I raced home to experiment in making this date sauce. After a few moments surfing the net, I came up with what I feel is a very close recipe to what I experienced in the pumpkin smoothie from Press’d Juice Bar. 


My date sauce whipped up so nicely that it took on the form of a thick, gooey caramel sauce that is absolutely finger licking delicious! Of course the real test came when I offered a plate of sliced tart apples to my teenage boys with a bowl of “caramel sauce” for dipping.


Needless to say, this will be a new staple in our house and the possibilities are endless!

I am a scratch cook sometimes when it comes to experimenting in the kitchen, therefore my recipe has no measured ingredients.

Vegan Date Sauce

3 Handfuls of organic dried pitted Dates


Organic Vanilla Bean (or Organic Vanilla Extract)

Soak dates in water that just covers them for 8-12 hours OR to speed up the process, boil water and pour over dates to just cover them until they get soft. Once they are good and soft, dump the date mixture, and add vanilla bean to the Vitamix. Pulse a few times, then slowly blend increasing intensity and adding water as needed. If you want a thicker sauce, stop when desired consistency is achieved. For a thinner sauce, add water. Blend til smooth and creamy. 


T1D Age Group National Champion



It all started with a dream, and those fateful words on July 31, 2015. Luke told his triathlon coach, the day after the USA Triathlon Nationals.

“Coach, I want to come back and race next year and I want to be the age group National Champion!” 

Fast forward one year later to the day,  July 31, 2016. Luke Rosser raced the race of his life, to clench the USA Triathlon 14-year-old Age Group National Championship title!

I was recently asked to share Luke’s story by Diabetes Mine. Today they published his story, and instead of me re-capping it here I am going to share the story below. Just click on the link below to read  how Luke is beating the odds!

Read here: Luke’s Olympic Hopes

2016-07-31 14.23.16

Paying It Forward: Kids Helping Kids



Diabetes rocked our world when Luke was diagnosed, and we had an incredible amount of support from our family and friends. Fast forward 17 months and  Luke wants to pay it forward!

Luke is on a mission. He is dedicating his USAT Nationals Youth Championship Triathlon Race  on July 31st to a cause that hits very close to home. He is partnering with Florida Hospital  in Orlando Florida to raise money for uninsured kids who are managing their diabetes and have trouble affording the necessities. The high cost of insulin, testing strips, pen needles, lancets and other vital supplies is often a large barrier to many families.

Here is a breakdown of daily costs for these items that keep Luke and other type one diabetics alive each day:

Testing strips: $1 per strip (usally one tests at least 6-8 times per day) and a box of 100 usually costs $100.
Insulin: $200 per pack of 5 insulin pens. (needles not included)
Lancets/Needles: Those prices vary starting around $10 per box. (varying)
Glucogon: $50 (lifesaving pen if ones sugar drops extremely low)

I am so proud of Luke’s desire to help others, and spread awareness, all for the sake of potentially saving a life!

In order to bring change to our communities, we must BE THE CHANGE!

Please go to Luke’s Community Campaign Page to help Luke help other kids. The page was created for Luke by Florida Hospital, Orlando.

Spread Awareness. Be the Voice.


T:Slim G4 Has Arrived!


An update from my previous post, or shall I say melt down?

We spent over a month fighting for Luke’s diabetes insulin pump, only to be denied twice! What a roller coaster of emotions that was, until our sweet diabetes educator called and shared with us about a pump that we might need to consider.


Long story short, we opted to stop fighting an uphill, long battle for the Animas Vibe and got with the new T:Slim G4 Insulin Pump. Needless to say, we could not be more excited about this decision, especially since our Dexcom is integrated with this pump. Life is about to get much easier for Luke and frankly, for us all!

While we ended up not fighting the long battle, we still never gave up. And the lesson to be learned in it all is simply that. As parents, we will fight for our kids, and do anything for them. I was willing to continue to submit letters, make phone calls, and petition for weeks possibly months to see this through for my son. But in the end, we were given a second option that was incredible and was certainly not a step down, but a step up!

Life doesn’t always play out like I envision it to, but often takes turns in the road that lead to many more possibilities with an even greater ending. This was one of those stories.

Now, onto our next battle….. Change legislation in how youth under the age of 18 are tested for Type 1 Diabetes! Strap in tight with your seat belts, and hang on…. this next battle is going to be a long one but WE WILL SUCCEED and we WILL NOT STOP until we do!

Get ready…. Join us in being THE CHANGE!



Denied stamp

Have you ever heard or seen those words before? Today, my 13-year-old Type 1 Diabetic was denied his request for an insulin pump from our lovely insurance company. Insert a little sarcasm. If I understand this correctly, my son, who pricks his fingers countless times per day to check his blood sugars, AND gives himself insulin shots numerous times throughout the day just to simply stay alive has now been told by our insurance company, “Sorry, your request has been denied.” This fired up momma bear is madder than mad!

It hurts my heart to tell him that his choice for pumps was denied, and really by whom? Who set the parameters on the deciding factors? It’s hard to watch your child have to give themselves injections multiple times per day, and alway live with a high alert of awareness at all times with regards to his sugar levels. Are his levels too high, or are they too low? How many carbs are in the food he’s about to eat? How many units of insulin does he need to take before his meals? Did he take enough insulin or was he falling too short with not taking enough? This is a constant balancing act that is our reality, and the insurance company that denied him more freedoms in this, said NO to his request for a pump. Luke was given several options for pumps, and he shouldn’t be limited to what THEY (the insurance) thinks is best. Life with a pump (as we’ve been told) is very freeing. If my child has to endure all he does every waking moment of the day, don’t you think insurance companies would sympathize? The answer to that is clearly NO.

We strive to give Luke a normal as possible life, and with not too many interruptions to living as normal as possible. Living with Type 1 Diabetes is tough, but Luke has managed to embrace it and not let it stand in his way of achieving his goals and  chasing his dreams. Life is tough, and when it hands you lemons I preach to my boys to make lemonade. Today, I feel as if I’m drowning in lemons and I’m out of sugar.

I feel absolutely hopeless and defeated. The sad reality is, Luke feels much the same, and yet after I told him the news about the denial, he responded with this…

“Mom, thanks for staying on top of things, and for trying. It’s not your fault, don’t worry, I’m not mad at you.” 

All out of the mouth of babes. So I take a moment to be angry, and shed a few tears, for tomorrow I will pick myself up, and fight. I will not give up, and I will not accept defeat. I will fight for my child, and be his voice in the dark corridors of the insurance companies.

We are the change.