Tag Archives: Running

Did You Say Vegetable Gummies?


Everyone comes up with crazy resolutions when it’s a new year. I keep hearing people around me say:

“I’m going to get healthy this year” or “I’m going to eat better this year” and the most famous one “I’m going to start an exercise and diet program.” 

All of these things can be good and are beneficial to everyone, however about 8% of the individuals who make these resolutions, actually stick to them and succeed.  This is a very low statistic and yet the choice is very simple, and can be very easy. It truly is just mind over matter and a few small adjustments.

I am always looking for ways to help my family stay healthy, and keep sicknesses at bay, but aren’t we all? I pour over research studies on all kinds of supplements, vitamins and ways to provide a healthier living for myself and my family. I have been using a product for the last 6 months that has truly been my daily breakfast. I have blogged about it before, and I credit my success in Ironman training to using Vive  as my breakfast shake and then for recovery after long workouts. I continue to us this product to this very day.

I also take a multi vitamin on a daily basis, but so does Hot Hubs and my teenage boys. With sickness and disease always in the back of my mind, I often wonder if we are doing enough. We are extremely healthy eaters here at Casa Rosser, and I buy all Organic 99% of the time. We bone up on extra Vitamin D in the winter months as well as Vitamin C in efforts to remain healthy. It wasn’t until a few months ago that I was asked to try out a whole food vitamin, that would essentially provide me with the exact amount of fruits and vegetables that our bodies require on a daily basis. Of course my argument was,

“Oh, that sounds great but you know we eat uber healthy, and I take a multi vitamin.” 

The end result of this conversation was two packages of Juice Plus Fruit & Vegetable Gummies. I was given a months supply to try out to see how I liked it.  Never mind that the gummies themselves tasted amazing,  but how I was eating garlic, broccoli, parsley, beets, etc., in these chewable round balls of goodness was beyond me! And no more added supplements, just these fabulous soft little gum drop like gummies.


After eating these incredibly delicious vitamins everyday, and hearing how something so simple could revolutionize my life as an asthmatic, I was all ears to hear more. The benefits are astounding as the clinical trials and testimonies speak for themselves. I have asthma really bad, and anytime I get a common cold, it automatically turns into bigger issues. I get violently ill, and it takes me weeks to recover, not to mention a few doctors visits, with a round of steroids and a list of medications and inhalers. The clinical trials have shown that Juice Plus has helped dramatically with inflammation in ones body.

Umm…. HELLO…… asthma is a form of inflammation! 

The statistics associated with those who have used Juice Plus for four months and longer absolutely spoke for themselves. My 14 year old teenage son has been taking Juice Plus for several months now and his acne has dramatically improved, to the point where others were noticing. What also got my attention was how the use of Juice Plus after a period of time, actually regenerates red blood cells in ones body! To read more about this research and ongoing research, just click on this link: Juice Plus

Bottom line is this. I am always open to how I can help myself and my family live a healthier lifestyle. However I am a very cautious person and don’t just jump on the current bandwagon. I can honestly say I have been been watching many friends for the course of 5 years, take Juice Plus and have amazing testimonies to share. The results are speaking for themselves. I have been traveling on air planes, in and out of hotels, been around many sick people, including my own sister when she had strep throat (the first 48 hours prior to her going to the doctor), and I am here to share with you all I have not gotten one form of illness.


I am going into my fourth month of taking Juice Plus Fruits & Vegetable vitamins, and I’m excited to see how the next four months pan out. Because of my current results, Hot Hubs and all three of our boys are now also taking Juice Plus!

By no means was this blog post meant to be an infomercial but simply share with you all what I’ve been doing to help my body shy away from sickness and obtain optimum health.

So instead of pledging to live a healthier lifestyle, and eat better, why not actually DO IT?! Making healthy choices is simple. Try spending 30 minutes everyday doing something active like walking with your spouse, a neighbor or a friend, and know what you’re feeding your body each day.  Lastly, add a daily dose of healthy whole food vitamins. Wether it’s Juice Plus or not, do yourself a favor and read the clinical research that has been done on Juice Plus.

I did and I’m never looking back!

Need more information? I’m just a blog post away.

The Journey Is Just The Beginning


My journey to Ironman 140.6 was a two-year journey. It started in 2014 while training for Ironman Chattanooga, where I would DNF at 140 miles. That race is 144.6 (longer than a normal IM) and they take 30 minutes away from you right off the bat. I never give up, so I returned home to lick my wounds, and sign up for Ironman Maryland 2016. On October 1, 2016 I finished the race and became an Ironman. I talk about my race IM Maryland below, but what came after crossing that finish line was something I felt I needed to share.

What makes an Ironman? Well, I can tell you that one becomes an Ironman when they start their journey in training. Race day is when you put it all together, and you cross that coveted finish line to hear that simple phrase:

Meredith Rosser….. You. Are. An.  IRONMAN! 

Today, I realized over a cup of coffee, is that my journey to Ironman was not over, instead it’s only the beginning. To realize that my long time dream has come to pass, brings much emotion. But to also realize that whatever “it” is that I put my heart into next, I know without a shadow of a doubt that IT CAN BE DONE! The dream continues, as my accomplishment of crossing that finish line is truly just the beginning! So when someone says to me “I could never do…….” then I say to them:


This is jus the beginning.


To sum up my journey to Ironman in just a few simple words would be useless because the journey itself is no where near short. For me it has been a 2 year journey. The training that one puts time in for, endless miles, long hours, a lot of sacrifices is mind-boggling. I wanted this more than anything else and was willing to do whatever it took. My journey to Ironman began long before the start line of the race. October 1st was the day I would celebrate by putting it all together, at exactly 3:00 am when my alarm would go off.

The morning was cold, windy and very foggy. With my wetsuit on and lined up at the swim start at 6:30 am I was ready! I was excited about the swim, as I had perfected it and had my time down to a fine science, and being wetsuit legal I knew I would fly! 6:50 am we are told the swim was being cancelled as there was a small craft advisory. Looking out at the Choptank River and seeing the rough waters white capping I knew it was the right call. The waters looked very treacherous, but I will admit, I was devastated. (I even teared up sharing my thoughts with Hot Hubs)


The next stage was a time trial start. We were going to be called out by our race bib number and we had to be ready to go in 30 to 45 min. That was the longest wait of my life! I was shivering cold, the wind was blowing hard off the river, and it was a cloudy overcast morning. No sun to warm us up, only the clothes I packed in my bike changing bag. Luckily I packed arm warmers (who knew a FL chick would need these) but I would ultimately be cycling with a sleeveless triathlon top. Not much protection from the wind, rain, and the cold elements. Days leading up to the race it had rained on and off, therefore much of the race course had been flooded and was impassable. The course I rode on in a training camp, was now changed to allow us to ride. Mentally the elements, and the change of course was messing with my head. My time came, and off I went!

The first half of the bike leg was great! I think I grew wings and was flying! My average speed was 16 mph and change which was huge for me, and with the roads being slick from the rain and navigating around people, this was good, not to mention through the cold, windy elements. Staying hydrated and nibbling on food was key, but when you’re not “hot” you often forget to do this. Then, the second half of the first loop happened. HEAD WIND! I felt like I hit a brick wall, and the only thing to do is get down in aero position and grind through it! To add to this crazy wind,  came the rain. I was cruising into the “special needs” area where I can get my bag I had carefully packed with all the things I could possibly need, including dry socks, which obviously I would not need! Why change wet socks for dry ones when it was raining? Ha! I felt like crying. I was cold, shivering, my hands were virtually numb, there was no sun to warm my cold wet skin, I was feeling nauseous, and at this moment I had to decide if I was tough enough to keep going. I wanted so badly to finish what I had started but quite honestly at this point I wanted to be dry and warm again. Oh and I forgot on major detail in all of this. My “monthly friend” came to visit me the night before! For a woman, this is a huge hurdle to overcome when trying to race! In the end, I got what I needed, and gave the volunteer my bag. I had one more loop to do and knew I had to dig deep. The second loop seemed longer than the first, but coming into town, and passing my BFF Sherpa Cheryl Collison along with my boys, gave me a huge boost! What came next was absolutely unexpected! Bikers stayed to the right and runners were on the left, and there was a vast body of water, shin and calf deep! I managed to navigate through the cold waters, and make my way to rack my bike, and get my bag to prepare for the run.

With one of my fastest transitions yet, including the women’s changing tent, (that’s a whole other story) I was ready to tackle 26.2 miles. Still no sun, lots of cold wind, and my clothes are all wet, except my new socks and running shoes. Little did I know, I would be running through vast bodies of water that reached all the way up my calves and shins, not once, not twice, but 4 times! Oh, and then, between the bodies of water was a grassy trail turned thick muddy trail. I’m not talking a little dirt, I mean thick, shoe getting stuck in kind of mud! The run was 2 1/2 loops, so it was in and out of these conditions I went. The second loop was the hardest as I knew what was coming. Getting hydration, and food, gels, coke, ice, sponges, salt, etc at every run stop was crucial. I was cruising well and keeping an average pace the first loop but all seem to fall apart on the second loop and the 1/2 loop. My shoes felt like lead weights strapped to my feet, I was chaffing in areas I didn’t know I could chafe, and I was barely able to run. Walking seemed nearly impossible but I just kept moving forward. Some of the chalk drawings and choice of words along the way paved a way for a good chuckle, and the one guy sitting in a lounge chair, in the middle of the road IN the freezing cold water no less, shouting to all the athletes “Welcome to the swim!” gave us all a good laugh and encouragement. But it was passing Hot Hubs along the way, seeing Sherpa Cheryl, hearing my boys yelling at me to keep pushing on, never give up, keep moving forward, you got this, and reflecting on what Luke and Chris Clark do on a daily basis managing their diabetes is what fueled me. The words from a great friend “Suck it up buttercup” and this from another amazing athlete “IOTB” (I Own This Bitch) is what kept me going til the bitter end. I had to finish this. I had to do this for myself. Long ago I was told “You’re not an athlete, you’re not a runner.” None of this has ever been easy for me. I have had a lot to overcome. Plantars Fasciitis, a weak knee, asthma, and yes, my monthly friend to boot! I had to prove to myself and show my children that when you set out to accomplish something, you never give up. If you don’t succeed, you get back up and keep going until you do!

Running through the water and willing my legs to climb the small hill one more time was possible because I was ready to settle the score, and prove to everyone that ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!

The time had come, it had been a long journey, and running down that hill never felt so good. I could hear the finish line crowd, I could see the bright lights, and the song that was playing was LMFAO’s “Party Rock Anthem” (how fitting for me). I ran with such emotion, I almost couldn’t run. My arms were going every which way, tears were streaming down my face, and the moment I had waited so long for had finally arrived. I ran into the arms of a volunteer as I heard the words called out over the sound system “Meredith Rosser…. YOU. ARE. AN. Ironman!”

Most amazing feeling ever! I cannot describe in words how it felt. To my utter excitement, after it all had sunk in, I ran some numbers. With my swim time from Chattanooga 2015, and doubling my transition times, added to Maryland 2016, I can say I finished the Ironman in just over 16 1/2 hours and change. WHAT????? This was the cherry on top for me. So some may ask or say  “Your swim was cancelled, your course was cut short, you’re really not an Ironman since you didn’t do it all in one day” to which I will reply you are wrong.

The journey to Ironman 140.6 did no take place on race day, but leading up to the race. I have done the distances, some twice and one (IM Choo in 2015) was even 4 miles LONGER & our times were cut by 30 min. So YES, I am owning this race and this victory and then some! After all, the conditions to which we raced were like no other. Who gets to race an Ironman, and say they pushed through all what we pushed through?!

Cold, wet, foggy, rainy, windy, muddy and deep waters of “swim” bike run. It was epic and the stories of this day will be told for years to come. I wear my hat, my shirts, and my medal with pride. I am an Ironman!

Athlete T1D Panel 2016: When an idea became a reality


Sometimes the best ideas come to us when we are dashing from one place to the next. Recently, Hot Hubs was driving me to the airport when he had this crazy idea he shared with me. It went something like this:

“Hey, Mere, I have this crazy idea…..what if we pulled together some type one diabetic athletes who have overcome many odds, and had a coffee chat of sorts?” 

After a few moments of chatting back and forth about how we would put something like this together, and where we would host this and so forth, it came to me! A few phone calls later, and some brain storming, the first ever T1D Panel was formed!


What is a T1D panel you ask? What if you could reach many to encourage and inspire? What if you had a panel of four incredible athletes of different ages, a leading endocrinologist, and a leading scientist all together on one platform, to impart wisdom, knowledge and share in how the diabetic athletes  have overcome many obstacles to reach their dreams? What if it was set up so that it was moderated by a local television news reporter? Put all of those things together in a room on a stage, and you get the T1D Panel.

The athletes sitting on the panel all have incredible stories and testimonies on how they have overcome many obstacles to reach their dreams and goals all the while balancing type one diabetes. I refer to our life like this:

“We are living on a balance beam. Luke is always on that balance beam, balancing his diabetes, trying to keep from going too far to the right and too far to the left.  The goal is to stay in the middle.” 

For most everyone, making the choice to get out of bed in the morning, dress yourself for a morning run, and head out the door, it’s really that simple. But for a diabetic athlete, it’s not that simple. Everything a diabetic athlete does rises and falls on where their blood sugar levels are at that time. Planning for a race, a competition, a game, really anything, it has to be well thought out. Depending on where ones sugar levels are, that has to be tweaked. There is so much to do in preparing for athletic activities like this, and the four panelists that have been chosen to speak, all have overcome many hurdles in their quest for the finish line!


Wether you’re a runner, triathlete, mountain climber, basketball player, football player, dancer, snow boarder, etc. and you’re living with diabetes, I want you to know that you can do ALL things, whatever it is! I cannot tell you how many stories we have heard over the last 18 months where other T1D families have asked

“How does Luke do what he does?”  or “Wow, I wish my child could do things like they used to before their diagnosis.” 

The T1D Panel was formed to inspire, encourage and impart a wealth of knowledge about how these athletes have overcome their challenges. The most exciting part about the panel is the wide range of athletes and their ages. Paul Finelli, with Florida Hospital, along with the American Diabetes Association Central Florida, have done an outstanding job of putting our idea into reality. We are hoping the event will be available for live streaming, and we are also hoping it will be recorded so we can share it later.

Here’s the exciting part. The T1D Panel Team:

Chris Clark, UltraMan Triathlete

Lauren Adams, Boston Marathoner

Luke Rosser, USA Triathlon Age Group National Champion

Ralph Hopkins, Athlete & US Attorney General

Will Cross, Mountain Climber

Moderator: Sonni Abatta 

As soon as I get a link for live streaming, I will share it here! The panel is set to take place on Sunday, October 23rd @ 4:00 pm.

“Be active and make healthy choices. Never stop giving up on your dreams and keep reaching for the stars.”  – Luke Rosser


The Day I Stopped Believing Was The Day I Started Believing Again



I won’t lie, it has been a rough two years. With my son being diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes, and the roller coaster that followed I must admit I stopped believing in myself as an athlete. I was in the midst of training for my first Ironman that was to take place in Chattanooga in 2016 when our lives were turned upside down. But just like we preach to our boys, I had to pick myself up and keep moving forward. That fateful night, when I was pulled off the run course in my first full Ironman Triathlon, I mentally gave up. I never give up on anything in life nor did I ever give up that night but I lost a part of myself when the three little letters were next to my name on the athlete list. DNF.

I mourned my DNF for a couple of days, then immediately jumped back into the game and set out to settle the score. I signed up for another Ironman. This time I was going to race a different course. Ironman Maryland seemed like a more suitable course, as it is flat, flat and more flat. But the catch is swimming in the Choptank River, and fighting the big headwinds on the bike. My mind was made up and I felt it was destiny to race almost exactly one year later from my DNF in Chattanooga.

As soon as I got my confirmation that I was “in” I was pumped, but as time marched on, I started to doubt myself. This has been one of the hottest summers that I can remember. Living in Florida, and the intense heat paired with super high humidity, was not a good mix for training. It has been brutal to say the least. Fatigue set in early in the months of training, and self-doubt started to take over. Why was I doing this again? When did riding on a road bike for five and six hours become fun? And not to mention running in the intense humidity and heat! 3 am wake up calls to start long rides in the dark while it was cooler got real old really fast.


I missed my family. I missed hanging out with our friends. For the second summer in a row, my life revolved around training. I started to question was it really worth it? To add to this crazy mix, my two younger sons were also training for their big race at USAT Nationals in Ohio. So between taking them to swim team practice at 6 am each day, and shuffling them to their own triathlon training sessions with their coach, I was mess! I am wife and mom first and foremost so my boys lives took center stage ahead of mine.

Training has not been what I envisioned it would be. Finding balance has been tough.

My breaking point came during a training camp in Cambridge, Maryland, the day we were out riding on the bike course. It was brutally hot, more of a dry heat hot. My lips were chapped, I was sucking down water like I have never done before, and I was riding alone. There were others out on the course, but I was a lone dove with the exception of others passing. Much of an Ironman race is mental. I know this and can say I usually have a good handle on this end of things, but on this day, I was literally losing it. Riding along on a long flat road in the middle of nowhere and hearing shot-gun shots going off, having someone fly by you in a truck then chucking coins out at you from the window as they passed, fighting a brutal head wind and being all alone is not my idea of fun. I missed a turn and only realized this when I was almost back to where I started. My 112 mile bike ride was cut short by my mere mistake and I only biked 70 miles of the course.

There is no crying in Ironman, but I cried like there was no tomorrow. I felt as if I was at the threshold of hell. I felt like a failure. I kept thinking to myself, how am I supposed to finish this race when I hadn’t even started yet? It was an awful moment but a pivotal one.

In my moment of questioning it all, a couple of texts came through on my phone. Messages of hope, reminding me how to persevere through the dark place I found myself in. No truer words were spoken by my 14-year-old type one diabetic son. He made me a paper to keep next to my bed, so when I was doubting it all, I only had to look at this:


This boy knows what it’s like to be in a bad place. I feel like he must feel defeated often, living with diabetes, giving himself injections all day long while pricking his finger countless times. Luke does not let diabetes define him, so how can I quit before I have even started? Someone very wise told me this at that moment:

“Suck it up buttercup! You’ve got this. Your body has got this. Get your mind in line. It hurts, it is a gut check but you have this. I know you can, you know you can! Just do it.” 

Another great mantra that I will let you figure out, that another friend reminded me of:


This was the day I started believing again. I was hundreds of miles away from my kids, and friends but at this moment, they were there with me, sitting under a shady tree. Sometimes we only need to be reminded of the simple things. I had to go down this dark road to get to this spot where I am today.

I believe I can. I believe I am strong. I believe I am an overcomer.

I simply BELIEVE!

Tour de Cure Ambassador 2016



I cannot believe I am typing this! It has been a long 10 months, and we have come a long way. My Type 1 Diabetic son was asked to be the 2016 Ambassador for the American Diabetes Association Tour de Cure in Orlando, Florida. Never in my wildest dreams did I think we would be walking this journey if you had told me this a year ago.

Life is not rose, nor is this an easy road we are on, however we have chosen to embrace it. Life handed us a bag of lemons, so we have been making a lot of lemonade this year!


Luke is passionate about all things exercise, healthy choices and living life to the fullest. He reminds me daily that “you only live once.” We are on a fast-moving train, and are taking each moment to share his story with as many people as we can. You never know whose life you might save.

Luke has asked me to share his story on this blog, in hopes that we reach many across the nation. Luke has also requested that I encourage anyone reading this blog to get involved in your local American Diabetes Association chapter. Find a Tour de Cure or a Step Out Walk  and make a difference. Sign up to ride, or walk or even just donate to the fundraising page. The American Diabetes Association is an incredible organization to support and get involved with. They do great things for people and families effected by both Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes.

Take a stand. Be the change!

T1D A New Journey



Your son has Type 1 Juvenile Diabetes. Words a mom never wants to hear. Someone please wake me up from the horrible dream. This can’t be right, there must be a mistake.

Let me rewind a for a moment.

My boys swim competitively with NTC Aquatics and are elite triathletes on a triathlon team, Endorphin Fitness out of Virginia. They compete on many levels.  This fateful day was no different, as we were at a big swim meet in Tampa Fl. My 12-year-old was feeling “off” and seemed more nervous than normal upon stepping up to the swim block. His freestyle swim was not great, and seemed way off base for him, but after his exit he assured us along with his coach that he was just nervous. Oddly enough he retreated to the bathroom for the 100th time and said after throwing up  he felt better. Over the last week he seemed to be more tired, and eating us out of house and home. Not to mention the amount of water this child was drinking! All of his symptoms led us to believe he was going through a growth spurt, puberty, and lots of hard training. The next two swim races were spot on, and he decreased his time by several seconds, and chalking this all up to nerves.

Sunday morning comes and things go south fast. We were up early to leave the hotel and head to the swim meet after breakfast when things got crazy.

My 12-year-old is looking like he hasn’t slept in ages, and can’t even eat a morsel of breakfast. Something is not right. This is not normal.

My “mothers intuition” says he needs to take a break and rest. After a few sips of chocolate milk, and a quick snooze, everything that could possibly be in his belly came up. Being in a hotel and frantic with fear that he must have the flu or a terrible cold, we quickly load up and head out. Several conversations ensued with several nurse friends, with all of them having concerns that he could be diabetic. Being there was no way this could be the case, we went to the swim meet, but would just rest in the car while my youngest son competed.

Dropping the family off at the gate and attempting to find a close parking space would be a miracle, since over 1,000 kids were present to compete. With my sons stomach being queasy we left and headed to get some ginger ale.

THEN,  it hit me.

One look in the back seat said it all. Exhausted, stomach ache, looking pale, and dark circles forming around his eyes. This was not right on all accounts.

I’ll spare the details, but we high tailed it out of Tampa and headed back to Orlando to Arnold Palmer Hospital’s ER.

One finger prick and vitals, and we were whisked into a room with nurses waiting to start IV’s. My head was spinning out of control, and my fears were in overdrive playing games with my brain.

I remember the doctor asking me if we knew our son had Type 1 Juvenile Diabetes and if we had a family history of such.

Wait….. did you just say Diabetes?

How can it be? How can this beautiful, strong, active swimmer, triathlete have Type 1 Diabetes?

To say we were in shock is an understatement. I will never forget the doctors words.

“Mrs. Rosser, your sons blood sugar level is 1014, and he’s Ketoacidosis.”

So what exactly is Ketoacidosis you ask? It is when someones blood levels are so high, and their blood is acidic, they have a great chance of slipping into a coma, their kidneys can shut down and they can potentially suffer brain damage.

 The journey was just beginning. As one doctor put it, “Mrs. Rosser, you will have a PhD in Endocrinology when you leave this hospital” and let me just say he was not kidding!

We have been home just over a week, and we are still trying to wrap our brains around it all. What surprises me is how many people don’t know the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes.

Type 1 is where the pancreas shuts down, and no longer creates insulin, therefore one must have insulin shots to survive. This is not controlled by diet, but will always be on insulin. Type 1 diabetics can eat whatever they want, they just need to treat themselves for it with the proper dose of insulin. There is no cure.

Type 2 can be controlled. Some people have to take insulin to help them along as their pancreas isn’t doing the job well, and some can control it with their diet and exercise. Type 2 diabetics need to watch what they eat and be mindful of the sugars intake and carbs. When proper weight and eating habits are in place, many can come off insulin and their body will function quite normal.

We will not allow T1D to define us. We are strong. We are bigger than this. We are charging forward with new purpose, a new mission you might say. Triathlon season is just beginning, and we are taking it by force!

If you can dream it


Road Block


WARNING…. Road Block Ahead!


I have officially hit a mental road block. I knew it was coming, and I knew, or at least I thought I knew, how to over come it. But alas I succumbed to the spiral down into the black hole.

The pit of defeat.


It’s crazy how life can be going along so great, the birds are chirping, your hair does exactly what you want it to do, your feeling good, then


You hit a wall.

That’s me…. hitting a wall.


With my head hung and my ego in the pits, I retreated to my car to head home from what was supposed to be short 30 minute run followed by a brisk 1500m pool swim. All of this to prepare for my 140.6 journey to Ironman.

True confession: My legs felt like lead, my chest felt like I had a palate of bricks laying on it, my form felt way off, and the over cast skies were quite deceiving in making one think it might actually be a cool kind of day. The air was humid, (very deceiving) and there was a slight drizzle but not a complete rain shower. The hills, that are normally not hard, seemed to go on forever and felt like one was climbing Mount Everest!


About that 1500m swim….. yea, didn’t happen.

I coach athletes and prepare them for these kinds of blocks. So why is it so hard when I’m on the receiving end of this? Truly, shouldn’t I just be able to click my heels and say be done with it?


So I’m not in Kansas anymore but what I do know is this…… Momma said there would be days like this. Or maybe that was my COACH that said that! Either way, when you fall off the horse, you get back in the saddle and try again.

Fast forward 24 hours, and I can happily report I was able to complete the 15oom swim, but in true fashion, kicking and screaming! Maybe not screaming but I certainly was dragging my booty down the lane with little excitement. I almost cried when I was done! True story.

Pool of hard knocks … swimming with kids isn't all it's cracked up to be.

Then came the realization that I must dash into the locker room for a quick change into workout clothes because it was now time for a 45 minute cycle! Ummm, what state of mind was I in when I agreed to this 140.6 Ironaman Race?

All of this brought to you by True Confessions of a Hot Chic.

TEAM Linda


HotChic 026

Meet Linda Baker. She is a beautiful, smart, savvy, fun, loving, caring, kind, sweet, amazing, fearless woman.

She is living with a rare disease called Pulmonary Fibrosis.

That’s me in the picture with her. The one with the crazy skirt, hat and no make up on! Yep, standing next to this incredible woman who inspires me daily!

So here’s the scoop. I am fulfilling a dream of mine in 2015, and I’m taking Linda on this journey with me. She is my racing partner. We are competing in The Ironman Chattanooga Triathlon. I figured if I’m going to swim 2.4 miles in a dark cold river, then hop on my bike that sports a seat in the width size of a ruler for 112 miles of hills no doubt, then throw on my running shoes and hobble run (that’s my new term)  26.2 miles to a finish line ALL within 17 hours, then I might as well raise some money and awareness to this terrible debilitating disease! Whew, that was a run on sentence for sure. Don’t judge.

Ironman Chattanooga  September 2015 is the BIG race.

And the month of September just happens to be Pulmonary Fibrosis Awareness Month!

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As incredible of a journey this is,  Linda really is the one who’s in a race. She is racing against time for her life. There is no cure whatsoever for this very rare disease. Linda has to have oxygen with her at all times. She goes no where without it. Can you imagine lugging around a heavy oxygen tank all day with all the gear that goes along with it? I am convinced that Linda is superwoman as she makes it look so easy and does it with such grace.

Currently there are no local chapters in the U.S. for support of families that have loved ones fighting this disease. The Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation is a National Foundation, and rates among TOP CHARITIES in the U.S. and they have earned the highest distinctions given by both Charity Navigator and the Better Business Bureau.

This is where YOU can make a difference. First you can join TEAM Linda on Facebook and SHARE the page with your friends.


Next, you can click on the link below, and it will take you to my First Giving page under the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation.



Together WE can make a difference.

Since Linda is my race partner,  you will see much more of her as time ticks on. She is a conqueror and she will beat this disease.

Give TODAY, even if it’s only $10. Nothing is too small, as it all makes a mark!

Be apart of this journey!

BE TEAM Linda!

“This IS Hot Chic”



This IS Hot Chic.

Hot Chic walks, she swims, she bikes, she runs.

She  golfs, she paddle boards, she does cross fit, she teaches zumba.

Hot Chic is girl, daughter, friend, woman, sister, wife, mother.

She is confident,  brave, strong, beautiful, focused, inspiring, determined.

This IS Hot Chic.

Let me introduce you to Penny Reed.


Penny swims. She bikes. She runs.

She swam around the Statue of Liberty in New York City.

She IS Hot Chic!

Starting now Hot Chic Sports is kicking off their new “This IS Hot Chic” campaign.

Are you Hot Chic?

We want to hear from YOU!

Send a brief 1 or 2 paragraph short story or bio of yourself along with a picture or video to hotchicsports@gmail.com.

You may be featured on our website and social media pages during our “This IS Hot Chic” campaign.

Be inspiring. Be confident. Be Hot Chic.Hot Chic Sports