Tag Archives: 2017

Diabetes Sports Project Champion


Life with a child living with type one diabetes is hard. It’s not all rainbows and unicorns. I have blogged about this journey with Luke before, and have shared with the world how we, as a family, have approached this terrible disease. Life on this balance beam is tough, but we have no choice. We can never let our guard down.

But what an honor it is when an organization contacts your son, asking if he would like to be a Champion DSP!


Diabetes Sports Project  is an incredible organization built to inspire. Led by a group of world-class athletes who thrive with diabetes, their stories, athletic accomplishments and community outreach empower others to live healthy, responsible and active lives.”

For Luke to be asked to be apart of Diabetes Sports Project is such an honor. Of course as his momma I am to the moon proud of him, but more importantly I am proud of how he is managing his diabetes and spreading awareness in his community.

Looking into 2017, Luke has set new goals and is ready to soar to new heights. The Fine Wine For A Fine Cause event is set for February (put on by his parents of course), more T1D Panels, a 5K Family Challenge and a T1D Rally that is slated to take place next November and of course working with the American Diabetes Association on spreading awareness, and speaking to schools about overall health and wellness.

From Luke and his family, we openly thank Eric Tozer and his team for giving Luke the honor of being apart of the Diabetes Sports Project family.

Together we are the voice. We are the change!