Tag Archives: exercise

“I Let Them Win”


When you have labored and worked tirelessly for 19 years to pour into your children’s lives, the day they make a shift and you see a glimpse of the young men they are growing into, it truly stops you in your tracks. You cannot help but stop and reflect. Being a mom means you give of yourself daily, that’s literally 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Your job never sleeps nor takes a day off.

I am a boy mom. I have three teenage boys living in why house, ages 19, 16 and 14. Being a mom is a tough job. There are so many hats we wear on a daily basis, and sometimes, more often than not, we let our kids win. Winning in a boy household means everything. It could be pertaining to a heated monopoly game, football in the backyard, a video game or even a competition over who can eat their food the quickest or burp the loudest! It just never ends. But again, as moms, we almost always “let our kids win” even if we are faking the loss.

Today that “faking a loss” came full circle, and as a mom I could not have been prouder! Let me take a moment to set the stage.

My 16-year-old son was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at age 12. Not long after Luke’s diagnosis, we encouraged him to share his incredible story on how exercise saved his life. Luke has grown up competing in sports since he was 6 years old. The eye for him has always been on the prize, that coveted podium finish with a medal around his neck. Winning a race or placing in the top 5 has always been his goal. Pretty normal for a young boy.

For 4 years, Luke has been sharing his story to area schools across Central Florida, local businesses and community boards. Through sharing his story, he says he’s showing kids and adults that nothing is impossible, even living with a disease like Type 1 Diabetes. When he closes the presentation, he encourages everyone to partake in his Lr Challenge. The challenge is spending 30 minutes each day doing something active. This means shutting off the computers, video games, phones, etc and doing something physical for 30 min whether they are inside at a gym or outside in their backyard.

Today, Luke met with students and faculty at Candlelight Christian Academy where he shared his story. We met some amazing young men and women, even a fellow teen with T1D as well. It was such a joy to see Luke interacting with everyone but what happened next that brought me to tears.

Luke was talking to group of boys, and within moments an arm wrestling challenge ensued. Luke takes pride in all the strength training he puts in and how he has built an incredible base, so all I could think of was these unsuspecting kids have no idea of his ability and strength! With a big smile on Luke’s face, and the first boy getting settled to measure up and arm wrestle. I watched as my son pushed against his opponent hard but only for a fraction of second, before his opponent defeated him. One by one, students walked up to challenge Luke and the arm wrestling match ensued. After every match, each student expressed great satisfaction in beating Luke at a game they were certain they would not succeed in.

When we left I asked Luke the simple question “Why?” He proudly stated “Well mom, I wanted them to feel good about themselves, and when they go home they can tell their parents they beat me in an arm wrestling match.” In other words, he let them win.

I may do a lot of things wrong, but I know I have done something right when I hear my 16-year-old competitive son say “I let them win.”

Did You Say Vegetable Gummies?


Everyone comes up with crazy resolutions when it’s a new year. I keep hearing people around me say:

“I’m going to get healthy this year” or “I’m going to eat better this year” and the most famous one “I’m going to start an exercise and diet program.” 

All of these things can be good and are beneficial to everyone, however about 8% of the individuals who make these resolutions, actually stick to them and succeed.  This is a very low statistic and yet the choice is very simple, and can be very easy. It truly is just mind over matter and a few small adjustments.

I am always looking for ways to help my family stay healthy, and keep sicknesses at bay, but aren’t we all? I pour over research studies on all kinds of supplements, vitamins and ways to provide a healthier living for myself and my family. I have been using a product for the last 6 months that has truly been my daily breakfast. I have blogged about it before, and I credit my success in Ironman training to using Vive  as my breakfast shake and then for recovery after long workouts. I continue to us this product to this very day.

I also take a multi vitamin on a daily basis, but so does Hot Hubs and my teenage boys. With sickness and disease always in the back of my mind, I often wonder if we are doing enough. We are extremely healthy eaters here at Casa Rosser, and I buy all Organic 99% of the time. We bone up on extra Vitamin D in the winter months as well as Vitamin C in efforts to remain healthy. It wasn’t until a few months ago that I was asked to try out a whole food vitamin, that would essentially provide me with the exact amount of fruits and vegetables that our bodies require on a daily basis. Of course my argument was,

“Oh, that sounds great but you know we eat uber healthy, and I take a multi vitamin.” 

The end result of this conversation was two packages of Juice Plus Fruit & Vegetable Gummies. I was given a months supply to try out to see how I liked it.  Never mind that the gummies themselves tasted amazing,  but how I was eating garlic, broccoli, parsley, beets, etc., in these chewable round balls of goodness was beyond me! And no more added supplements, just these fabulous soft little gum drop like gummies.


After eating these incredibly delicious vitamins everyday, and hearing how something so simple could revolutionize my life as an asthmatic, I was all ears to hear more. The benefits are astounding as the clinical trials and testimonies speak for themselves. I have asthma really bad, and anytime I get a common cold, it automatically turns into bigger issues. I get violently ill, and it takes me weeks to recover, not to mention a few doctors visits, with a round of steroids and a list of medications and inhalers. The clinical trials have shown that Juice Plus has helped dramatically with inflammation in ones body.

Umm…. HELLO…… asthma is a form of inflammation! 

The statistics associated with those who have used Juice Plus for four months and longer absolutely spoke for themselves. My 14 year old teenage son has been taking Juice Plus for several months now and his acne has dramatically improved, to the point where others were noticing. What also got my attention was how the use of Juice Plus after a period of time, actually regenerates red blood cells in ones body! To read more about this research and ongoing research, just click on this link: Juice Plus

Bottom line is this. I am always open to how I can help myself and my family live a healthier lifestyle. However I am a very cautious person and don’t just jump on the current bandwagon. I can honestly say I have been been watching many friends for the course of 5 years, take Juice Plus and have amazing testimonies to share. The results are speaking for themselves. I have been traveling on air planes, in and out of hotels, been around many sick people, including my own sister when she had strep throat (the first 48 hours prior to her going to the doctor), and I am here to share with you all I have not gotten one form of illness.


I am going into my fourth month of taking Juice Plus Fruits & Vegetable vitamins, and I’m excited to see how the next four months pan out. Because of my current results, Hot Hubs and all three of our boys are now also taking Juice Plus!

By no means was this blog post meant to be an infomercial but simply share with you all what I’ve been doing to help my body shy away from sickness and obtain optimum health.

So instead of pledging to live a healthier lifestyle, and eat better, why not actually DO IT?! Making healthy choices is simple. Try spending 30 minutes everyday doing something active like walking with your spouse, a neighbor or a friend, and know what you’re feeding your body each day.  Lastly, add a daily dose of healthy whole food vitamins. Wether it’s Juice Plus or not, do yourself a favor and read the clinical research that has been done on Juice Plus.

I did and I’m never looking back!

Need more information? I’m just a blog post away.

Stronger Than That Young Girl


Today I heard a song and it touched me to the core. It’s being played on all the radio stations, and what captured me was one simple word….


Ironically Hot Hubs and I were just explaining to our teenage boys, that girls can be very sensitive when it comes to bodily image. We had a deep discussion about this, to which they replied “Really?” That’s the difference between boys and girls.  Sure, boys are in tune with themselves and their image, but not like girls.

I am a grown woman, with a family, and I am still very sensitive about this subject as well. It’s a constant battle that is alway waging in my head. I am very confident and happy with my bodily image, however I am very conscious of it all the time. I don’t think it truly ever is something that goes away. After all, society fuels this from social media to magazines, and so forth. It’s plastered in our faces 24/7. The quest to be thin is everywhere.

Take this lyrics to the song, an excerpt below:

Scars To Your Beautiful

“She has dreams to be an envy, so she’s starving
You know, covergirls eat nothing
She says beauty is pain and there’s beauty in everything
What’s a little bit of hunger?
I could go a little while longer, she fades away
She don’t see her perfect, she don’t understand she’s worth it
Or that beauty goes deeper than the surface
Oh, oh
So to all the girls that’s hurting
Let me be your mirror, help you see a little bit clearer
The light that shines within

There’s a hope that’s waiting for you in the dark
You should know you’re beautiful just the way you are
And you don’t have to change a thing, the world could change its heart
No scars to your beautiful, we’re stars and we’re beautiful”

I never really had listened to this song before until today. I had just left a doctor’s appointment where I was told I had gained 3 lbs since my visit in October. I left the office stunned. Not stunned that I had gained 3 lbs, but stunned that it was brought up as an issue! Seriously? Never mind that I have been training for over a year for an Ironman Race, and have simply taken some much-needed time off from the vigorous training! I explained I was still running and exercising, but not a the level of 5 hours per day for 6 days per week!

After a quick text to Hot Hubs, that I typed through tears, I turned the radio on and low and behold the song “Scars To Your Beautiful” came on. The word “beautiful” got my attention. It was perfect timing, as I was feeling low at this moment, wondering what I’m doing that’s so wrong. I am a very healthy, active woman, and we eat very healthy at every meal. On the occasion that we eat out, I still make healthy choices because it’s simply apart of our everyday lives. It’s not a struggle nor a chore. So today’s discussion at my doctors well visit threw me for a loop.

This beautiful song sung by Alessia Cara was a great reminder to me that young girls, and even women, need to remember that we are worthy, we are beautiful, and we need to love ourselves the way we are. I live my life with these words, but today I was distracted by the words from my doctor, whom I have been seeing for 16 years.

The old saying, “Sticks and stone may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” is so true. If I allowed words to wreck my world, than I am not thick-skinned enough. Today I was just caught off guard. I know that I am loved, and cherished by my husband of 21 years. So one would ask, why let this bother me? Well, I will leave it at this:

Society paints an image that every girl wants to be. That girl still lives inside of me as a grown woman.

But I am stronger than that young girl, and I know I am strong and beautiful.


The Choice



Let me introduce you to our friend and neighbor, 11-year-old Ricky. He hangs out with my two boys, Luke and Jack, just about every day.  You never know who you might be inspiring when you’re at work or play. Today, was no exception.

Ricky and his dad came over to the house, and wanted to know the difference between a mountain bike bought from a large retail store, and one that is purchased from a local bike shop, with a higher price tag. So after a few minutes of explanations, they decided to take Jack with them to visit our favorite local bike shop, Clermont Bicycles. They later returned and said they wanted to talk things over before making a decision.  After all a large purchase like that should not be done on a whim.

A few hours later, Ricky, along with his dad, came by the house to thank us for the bike shop referral. His dad told us that Ricky had been saving his own money for a long time to buy a new video game system. Recently, he had inquired about using his money to buy a mountain bike so he can ride with the boys. His dad told him he needed to make a choice. He could either buy a new bike or buy the video game system, which he had been wanting for a long time. In the end, Ricky bought a bike!

This touched my heart on so many levels. Since Luke’s Type 1 Diabetes diagnosis, he has made it a mission to bring awareness to our community regarding overall health and wellness. Because exercise saved his life, he wants other kids and adults, to make exercise a priority in their life. Making healthy choices and getting 30 minutes of exercise daily is vital to our well-being.

The fact that Ricky had been saving up his own money to buy a video game system and opted to buy a bike, speaks volumes. He clearly gets it. He said he wanted to be outside more and play with his friends, instead of inside all the time. Oh and we LOVE his color choice, blue! November is National Diabetes Awareness Month, and it’s Blue November for Type 1 Diabetes. How fitting!

So what would your choice be?

Be inspiring. Be the voice.

Be the change!

The Skinny Image



Excuse me while I get on my soap box for a moment….. Summer is just around the bend, and I can already feel the heat bearing down on us. With that comes summer fun, swimming, grilling out, trips to the beach, etc. I love this time of year and look forward to all things summer, but what I’ve noticed a lot of lately are loads of social media outlets screaming “Get the bikini body back” and “Summer bikini weather ready” and even “Bikini Challenge by…” Everyone has a twist on how to get bikini fit, and STAT! Have you noticed when you read these advertisements that they are all pointing back to one thing?

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all about being healthy and fit, but something struck a chord in me in the last 24 hours as I watched an interview on television last where the news reporter was interviewing singer John Legends wife about her eating habits and possible weight gain. The wife of John Legend (sorry didn’t catch her name) took the harsh criticism in stride and basically told the world that she loves food and she’s going to eat! First of all let me say this, the woman looked perfectly healthy and simply beautiful, and yet the critics feel she is eating too much in public and has gained some weight. Shocking I say, or is it really?

I love food and I very much enjoy blogging about new recipes and taking a lot of pictures of what I eat. With that being said, I follow many food bloggers on Facebook, and healthy eating raw guru’s. To my astonishment, I have seen some postings regarding a 12 week challenge to get bikini body ready. I realize this kind of propaganda has been around for a long while, however I am more astonished when I see these types of challenges from groups that promote over all health and wellness. I would expect something like this from a company like Slim Fast, but not health and wellness bloggers. There is a difference in living a healthy lifestyle and taking on a 12 week challenge to get bikini body fit in such a short amount of time.


Is this really healthy? Do these types of challenges really work? I love this picture I found online. “You Are Not A Sketch”. This is so true! I am a running and triathlon coach and anytime a new athlete joins our group, the first thing I tell them is this is NOT a get skinny quick type of group. I am here to coach you to your goals, and learn to live over all healthy lifestyle. It is not a quick fix or a fast track weight loss to skinny but a path to overall health and wellness .If it takes you 6 months to put on 20 lbs, it takes double that to get it off, not 12 weeks. And yet society scratches their heads and wonder why young girls, and teenagers have eating disorders and image issues.

I was fortunate to have grown up in a loving home with a mom who told me everyday I was beautiful and that God made me for who I am. Sure I wanted to be skinnier than I was, and sometimes even today I find myself wishing my ta ta’s were smaller, my hips not as wide, but who doesn’t? What I’ve come to realize is this…. You only have one body, and once chance at life. Enjoy who you are, worry less about what others think, and more about how you feel inside. Make good healthy food choices, exercise daily, and live the life you’ve been given. I’d rather be curvy, and fit than bikini beach body skinny that can’t take a short jog down the beach!


One Last Breath



One last breath…. I seriously felt that way today as I jumped feet first into running again after a two week hiatus! One word: POLLEN. Oh and have you heard it has been one of the worst allergy and pollen seasons to date? Not that I’ll gross you out or anything but just think “cement”. Yes, my chest cavity had a new tenant and that’s exactly what it felt like for two weeks! I’m not one to complain, but just keeping it real.

This is really about the Confessions Of An Asthmatic, Shin Splint, Knee Pain, Fluffy, Hard To Breath Athlete. That about sums it up! Can anyone relate? I have been running for the last 9 years, but that journey didn’t come easy and for that matter,  STILL isn’t easy. Carrying around upper body “buoys”,  aka boobs, that weigh more than a can of soup is no easy task. Might I add I don’t have  your typical runners physic. Curvy would be a good way to describe me. Next comes shin splints that do come and go and the knee pain that I wish would come and go. Let’s not forget the “A” word…. asthma…. need I say more?

Truly there was a hill…no a mountain….. better yet, Mount Everest, in my path that I must climb while on my quest to become healthy those nine years ago. Today I still sometimes stand at the base of Mount Everest, but joyfully look back at the many climbs and summit celebrations that I accomplished. One would think a couple weeks off wouldn’t wreak so much havoc, but remember your messing with pollen. Building a base like I had so long ago of three weekly runs with cross training on the off days seemed impossible.

Today was my day to jump back in. With my knee brace in place and my “life line” inhaler in hand, it was time. The first half of my 3 mile trek felt like a breeze, after all I was doing intervals down hill into flat territory. I am convinced that the more runners run, the more brain cells we lose along the way! I seemed to have lost many as it was now time to trek back up that hill, Mount Everest as I call it, and how quickly did I forget about that challenge.

Small steps, one foot in front of the other, and one last breath. That was my thought. A bit morbid I know, but if I had “one last breath”, what would I say? What comes to mind for most is “tell your loved ones that you love them” or “HELP”! Being no one was with me, and I was standing at the base of Mt. Everest, my choice of last words were exactly what I believe any and every other runner would say. Very simply “I Did It”!!!!! If I had to take one last breath, and had one last mission at that exact place and moment, I would choose to FINISH THE RACE so to speak. I want to be able to say to myself “I Did It”…. I conquered Asthma… I conquered the Shin Splints…. I conquered the Knee Pain…. I conquered carrying the 5 lb buoys on my chest…. I conquered THAT MOUNTAIN and I can stand at the summit and say I DID IT!!!! It’s not about proving myself to anyone or any bragging rights, but simply a statement of truth for my heart, and peace of mind. I tell my family every day how much I love and adore them. I try and tell my friends how much I care for them, but what I don’t do often enough is set out to climb that mountain and finish strong.

I have a lot of “baggage” that I have to take with me on my runs, but I have a choice. I can cower behind the trees or I can stand up to the mountain and say BE REMOVED!

“Don’t let your circumstances define you-” –  Hot Chic Sports