Tag Archives: campaign

Paying It Forward: Kids Helping Kids



Diabetes rocked our world when Luke was diagnosed, and we had an incredible amount of support from our family and friends. Fast forward 17 months and  Luke wants to pay it forward!

Luke is on a mission. He is dedicating his USAT Nationals Youth Championship Triathlon Race  on July 31st to a cause that hits very close to home. He is partnering with Florida Hospital  in Orlando Florida to raise money for uninsured kids who are managing their diabetes and have trouble affording the necessities. The high cost of insulin, testing strips, pen needles, lancets and other vital supplies is often a large barrier to many families.

Here is a breakdown of daily costs for these items that keep Luke and other type one diabetics alive each day:

Testing strips: $1 per strip (usally one tests at least 6-8 times per day) and a box of 100 usually costs $100.
Insulin: $200 per pack of 5 insulin pens. (needles not included)
Lancets/Needles: Those prices vary starting around $10 per box. (varying)
Glucogon: $50 (lifesaving pen if ones sugar drops extremely low)

I am so proud of Luke’s desire to help others, and spread awareness, all for the sake of potentially saving a life!

In order to bring change to our communities, we must BE THE CHANGE!

Please go to Luke’s Community Campaign Page to help Luke help other kids. The page was created for Luke by Florida Hospital, Orlando.

Spread Awareness. Be the Voice.


“This IS Hot Chic”



This IS Hot Chic.

Hot Chic walks, she swims, she bikes, she runs.

She  golfs, she paddle boards, she does cross fit, she teaches zumba.

Hot Chic is girl, daughter, friend, woman, sister, wife, mother.

She is confident,  brave, strong, beautiful, focused, inspiring, determined.

This IS Hot Chic.

Let me introduce you to Penny Reed.


Penny swims. She bikes. She runs.

She swam around the Statue of Liberty in New York City.

She IS Hot Chic!

Starting now Hot Chic Sports is kicking off their new “This IS Hot Chic” campaign.

Are you Hot Chic?

We want to hear from YOU!

Send a brief 1 or 2 paragraph short story or bio of yourself along with a picture or video to hotchicsports@gmail.com.

You may be featured on our website and social media pages during our “This IS Hot Chic” campaign.

Be inspiring. Be confident. Be Hot Chic.Hot Chic Sports