Tag Archives: help

Stronger Than That Young Girl


Today I heard a song and it touched me to the core. It’s being played on all the radio stations, and what captured me was one simple word….


Ironically Hot Hubs and I were just explaining to our teenage boys, that girls can be very sensitive when it comes to bodily image. We had a deep discussion about this, to which they replied “Really?” That’s the difference between boys and girls.  Sure, boys are in tune with themselves and their image, but not like girls.

I am a grown woman, with a family, and I am still very sensitive about this subject as well. It’s a constant battle that is alway waging in my head. I am very confident and happy with my bodily image, however I am very conscious of it all the time. I don’t think it truly ever is something that goes away. After all, society fuels this from social media to magazines, and so forth. It’s plastered in our faces 24/7. The quest to be thin is everywhere.

Take this lyrics to the song, an excerpt below:

Scars To Your Beautiful

“She has dreams to be an envy, so she’s starving
You know, covergirls eat nothing
She says beauty is pain and there’s beauty in everything
What’s a little bit of hunger?
I could go a little while longer, she fades away
She don’t see her perfect, she don’t understand she’s worth it
Or that beauty goes deeper than the surface
Oh, oh
So to all the girls that’s hurting
Let me be your mirror, help you see a little bit clearer
The light that shines within

There’s a hope that’s waiting for you in the dark
You should know you’re beautiful just the way you are
And you don’t have to change a thing, the world could change its heart
No scars to your beautiful, we’re stars and we’re beautiful”

I never really had listened to this song before until today. I had just left a doctor’s appointment where I was told I had gained 3 lbs since my visit in October. I left the office stunned. Not stunned that I had gained 3 lbs, but stunned that it was brought up as an issue! Seriously? Never mind that I have been training for over a year for an Ironman Race, and have simply taken some much-needed time off from the vigorous training! I explained I was still running and exercising, but not a the level of 5 hours per day for 6 days per week!

After a quick text to Hot Hubs, that I typed through tears, I turned the radio on and low and behold the song “Scars To Your Beautiful” came on. The word “beautiful” got my attention. It was perfect timing, as I was feeling low at this moment, wondering what I’m doing that’s so wrong. I am a very healthy, active woman, and we eat very healthy at every meal. On the occasion that we eat out, I still make healthy choices because it’s simply apart of our everyday lives. It’s not a struggle nor a chore. So today’s discussion at my doctors well visit threw me for a loop.

This beautiful song sung by Alessia Cara was a great reminder to me that young girls, and even women, need to remember that we are worthy, we are beautiful, and we need to love ourselves the way we are. I live my life with these words, but today I was distracted by the words from my doctor, whom I have been seeing for 16 years.

The old saying, “Sticks and stone may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” is so true. If I allowed words to wreck my world, than I am not thick-skinned enough. Today I was just caught off guard. I know that I am loved, and cherished by my husband of 21 years. So one would ask, why let this bother me? Well, I will leave it at this:

Society paints an image that every girl wants to be. That girl still lives inside of me as a grown woman.

But I am stronger than that young girl, and I know I am strong and beautiful.


Pay It Forward For Sam


We all struggle, and we all have mountains we are trying to climb, but for just a moment, come with me and let me tell you about Sam.


This precious 10-year-old is battling an unknown disease. Yes I said unknown. His symptoms are that he is simply in an incredible amount of pain 24/7. I have not had the privilege to meet this sweet blue-eyed, freckled face little boy, but when I was told of his story, it tore at my heart. I am a mom of three boys, and simply cannot imagine walking in the steps that Sam’s mom walks every day. Not knowing what’s causing your baby’s pain is more heart wrenching than I can wrap my brain around.

I asked his mom if I could write a brief story about him and without meeting me or knowing anything about me, she said yes. I am sure that leap of faith must have been hard. How do you allow a perfect stranger to talk about your son on social media? I reassured her I’m a mom of three boys, one who is close in age to her Sam. My heart sank when I heard his story, and I immediately felt the urge to be his voice. Not that anyone asked, but it was something deep in my heart that said “blog about Sam” so here I am!

Your never know whose life you may touch with just a few simple words of “hang in there” or “keep smiling” or “you’re gonna all be okay, we are here for you.” Today I was asked to send a simple message of hope and encouragement to this sweet boys momma, via a friends Facebook page. Living with a child whose everyday fight to live is tough and we can absolutely relate to struggles, however Sam’s struggles are much larger than ours. I know how it feels to be the dark place of worry, and uncertainty therefore any encouraging words were well received.

So here’s my call to action. If you are reading this, I ask that you consider doing two things.

1: Send Sam and his momma some encouraging words of hope, and love.

2: Pay it Forward. Do something random that’s kind for a perfect stranger, by way of encouraging words, a note, a high 5, or maybe buying their coffee while you’re in line to purchase your own. 

We live such a negative society, so why not step up and BE THE CHANGE? Do something random, and bless someone else who is least expecting it!

Be The Voice.


Just JUMP!


Just JUMP!!!!!


Isn’t this what we’re supposed to do when we get “the call?”

By “the call” I’m meaning step up, take the bull by the reigns. When someone is in need, you drop everything and run to their aid.

Do you jump or are you afraid of the leap? Do you feel safer in your small glass cup versus the much larger glass bowl?

Life in these times (as I call it) are busy. We are busy people. If we’re not busy enough by our own standards, we find things to make us busier! Cue the phone ringing and it’s your dear friend “Grace” who is calling for the tenth time in two hours because she has a need.Do you have enough Grace & Mercy for her or do you ignore the call and let it go to voicemail because your “too busy” at this moment?


I admit I  have those days where I feel I need to put my phone on mute, and just let the caller go to my voicemail, but something stirs in me and alas I answer the call.

After all what if it’s Publisher’s Clearing House calling to say I won a million dollars!


Ha, I’m not THAT lucky!

But more often than not, “that call” does come whether it’s from a family member or a friend, and they need help. Help in the form of encouragement and sometimes physical needs.

You know the saying “Pay It Forward”……

You  never know when your time of need may come into play. Are you going to be the one who drops it all to help another in need? Even if it’s for a long length of time?

What if  YOUR phone call to that one friend is a desperate one, and yet your friend never answers the phone but you get the message to leave a voicemail. Are you too busy to be bothered? My boys are constantly rolling their eyes at me, as they truly believe I have my cell phone growing out of my ear. They may be on the right track, but I find it hard to NOT answer my phone.


What if it IS THAT one phone call, and I need to drop everything and run to someones aid? I try to live my life by this simply note:


I recently got “that call” and it came at 6:30 AM. You know when your phone is ringing that early in the morning,  something isn’t right. Your first reaction is usually shock, disbelief, then comes the heart breaking pain. It’s what you do next that can shape the entire tragedy into something beautiful. The glass is not half empty, but half full.

The old saying “It’s better to give than it is to receive” is so true. It IS better to be on the giving end than receiving end isn’t it? Sure I love presents, but to be the one giving the gift with the pure satisfaction of blessing the other individual is nothing short of amazing! One doesn’t need to get any credit for this, as it’s what lies in your heart that is your reward. The feeling you get when you’ve made a difference, or left a fingerprint in someone else’s life, THAT is your reward.

Chew on this….


Off My Rocker




I’ve been sitting here quietly watching people in our society tear each other apart, day after day & week after week. Once in a while I catch a glimpse of humans actually helping one another, and see them encouraging one another. And when I’m REALLY lucky, I see them working together as a “team” to accomplish a common goal but TOGETHER. Working together for one purpose…. crazy concept right? Excuse me while I get off my rocker for a moment as I feel this needs to be heard. Let me get my megaphone…… wait, I don’t need one, I’m pretty loud. I think I’ve had a belly full over the last few years. I’m sad to say I’ve been witnessing this so often and it’s usually hashed out on our good old grand television and new media outlets, and not to mention social media outlets as well. The name calling, bashing, tearing down of others, ridiculing people for their choices…. the list goes on. OH…. stop there…. did you read that correctly? YES America, we make our OWN choices and have been doing so for centuries! When did it become okay, and quite common for media outlets, magazine editors, and news reporters to rip people apart one by one simply because of their choice of clothing, hairstyle, work ethic, and religious beliefs?

Today I had the privilege to be in a classroom of 3rd graders during a science project. The children were broken up into teams of three. Each team was instructed to build something from just a few parts, but work together as a team to accomplish the mission. You can see where this is going I’m sure. Needless to say, things didn’t start out too great, and there was escalating conflict almost immediately amongst some teams. Children are taught how to work together, it is not something we are automatically born with. As parents it is our job to teach our children to be “Team Players” when called to do so, and if we can’t do this ourselves as adults with other adults, then what are we really teaching our children? Kids learn from example, and what kind of example is our society setting up for the younger generations? The 3rd grade class science project had a good ending because of great parents and teachers that stepped in to lead by example.

I stand here on my soapbox, off my rocker to say this…… WAKE UP AMERICA and let’s start leading by a POSITIVE EXAMPLE!!!! You can accomplish MORE if you do it with a cheerful heart and with a positive attitude. It’s time to step up to the plate and BE THAT CHANGE! It sure seems easier to rant about it, and then sit back and do nothing as it is always harder to get out there and do it. So what if you’re a little put out for a while, or you have to plan ahead, or even take a step back and view the situation before jumping in feet first. Think of the possibilities when you can be apart of a wildfire of positive change in your life, your children’s lives, your community and those around you. The results from a situation that may have started out to be hurtful, can absolutely turn into something more wonderful. It’s all in how you choose to embrace it. Get off that rocker and let’s LEAD BY EXAMPLE! Okay, now back to your regular scheduled programming. Next up, a fabulous summer salad recipe!