Tag Archives: business owner

Stronger Than That Young Girl


Today I heard a song and it touched me to the core. It’s being played on all the radio stations, and what captured me was one simple word….


Ironically Hot Hubs and I were just explaining to our teenage boys, that girls can be very sensitive when it comes to bodily image. We had a deep discussion about this, to which they replied “Really?” That’s the difference between boys and girls.  Sure, boys are in tune with themselves and their image, but not like girls.

I am a grown woman, with a family, and I am still very sensitive about this subject as well. It’s a constant battle that is alway waging in my head. I am very confident and happy with my bodily image, however I am very conscious of it all the time. I don’t think it truly ever is something that goes away. After all, society fuels this from social media to magazines, and so forth. It’s plastered in our faces 24/7. The quest to be thin is everywhere.

Take this lyrics to the song, an excerpt below:

Scars To Your Beautiful

“She has dreams to be an envy, so she’s starving
You know, covergirls eat nothing
She says beauty is pain and there’s beauty in everything
What’s a little bit of hunger?
I could go a little while longer, she fades away
She don’t see her perfect, she don’t understand she’s worth it
Or that beauty goes deeper than the surface
Oh, oh
So to all the girls that’s hurting
Let me be your mirror, help you see a little bit clearer
The light that shines within

There’s a hope that’s waiting for you in the dark
You should know you’re beautiful just the way you are
And you don’t have to change a thing, the world could change its heart
No scars to your beautiful, we’re stars and we’re beautiful”

I never really had listened to this song before until today. I had just left a doctor’s appointment where I was told I had gained 3 lbs since my visit in October. I left the office stunned. Not stunned that I had gained 3 lbs, but stunned that it was brought up as an issue! Seriously? Never mind that I have been training for over a year for an Ironman Race, and have simply taken some much-needed time off from the vigorous training! I explained I was still running and exercising, but not a the level of 5 hours per day for 6 days per week!

After a quick text to Hot Hubs, that I typed through tears, I turned the radio on and low and behold the song “Scars To Your Beautiful” came on. The word “beautiful” got my attention. It was perfect timing, as I was feeling low at this moment, wondering what I’m doing that’s so wrong. I am a very healthy, active woman, and we eat very healthy at every meal. On the occasion that we eat out, I still make healthy choices because it’s simply apart of our everyday lives. It’s not a struggle nor a chore. So today’s discussion at my doctors well visit threw me for a loop.

This beautiful song sung by Alessia Cara was a great reminder to me that young girls, and even women, need to remember that we are worthy, we are beautiful, and we need to love ourselves the way we are. I live my life with these words, but today I was distracted by the words from my doctor, whom I have been seeing for 16 years.

The old saying, “Sticks and stone may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” is so true. If I allowed words to wreck my world, than I am not thick-skinned enough. Today I was just caught off guard. I know that I am loved, and cherished by my husband of 21 years. So one would ask, why let this bother me? Well, I will leave it at this:

Society paints an image that every girl wants to be. That girl still lives inside of me as a grown woman.

But I am stronger than that young girl, and I know I am strong and beautiful.




Guess what………


Here’s how this works. I love social media, and I love to promote others and their businesses when I can. As you all know, my 13-year-old son is a Type 1 Diabetic. Overhead Films is going to be documenting Luke’s story through videography in hopes to spread awareness about diabetes. November is Diabetes Awareness Month, and we would like to ask you to jump on over to Hot Chic Sports on Facebook and “Like” the post regarding their November Giveaway. Share the post on social media, and you will automatically get entered into a drawing for a FREE skirt!

The game that Hot Chic Sports is hosting will take place on November 14th, in Orlando Florida, so the drawing will take place after the event.




Like & Share!

Journey To 140.6…… Ironman Chattanooga



Ironman 140.6. Okay, there it is, in black and white. I think I may just throw up now. After all, who in the world willingly signs on to do a triathlon that will last up to 17 hours, totaling a whopping 140.6 miles? I should change my name from Organic Sport Chic to Crazy Sport Chic!

Thankfully I have an incredible support crew, including my hubs, aka Hot Hubs, who has competed in an Ironman 140.6 and countless Half Ironman Races in recent years. To double the stakes, I am a triathlon coach myself and currently training athletes, so this should be a cake walk right? Now that I mention cake, the sponsor for Ironman Chattanooga is currently Little Debbie! Guess we’ll be snacking on Little Debbie Snack Cakes & Oatmeal Cream Pies along the way. It’s a Win Win!


All joking aside, I must admit this has been a dream of mine for years. I have watched Hot Hubs and several friends race in a Full Ironman Races, and there is nothing like being at the Finish Line when they have completed such a feat. The commitment that is put into training and the dedication is mind-blowing, but in order to succeed you must have both in your sight. This is my year, and I couldn’t be more afraid and excited all at once.

Oh and did I mention that I get the amazing opportunity to race alongside seven other incredible athletes that I currently train and my best friend is coming along for support? This is a WIN WIN people! (I must keep saying this to myself)

So here’s the best part. I have chosen to dedicate this entire year of training & the race itself to a dear friend of mine, Linda B. She has a lung disease that’s incurable. She is undergoing serious chemo treatments to kill off this rare disease, and has to carry around oxygen tanks just so she can breath. She is my partner in this race, as I will be taking her along with me on this journey. Remember reading about “Flat Stanley” when you were in school? Well I’ve dubbed Linda as “Flat Linda.”  HA! Need I say more?

Every swim stroke, every cycle stroke, every run step and every ounce of breath I take, I am believing for her to find healing in her lungs from this terrible disease. She is my strength and inspiration!

One year is going to pass quickly, so I plan to blog along the way through the good, the bad and the ugly. Another wild & crazy ride has begun. Slip your skirt on, fasten your seat belts, and hang on!