Tag Archives: Sport Chic

Journey To 140.6…… Ironman Chattanooga



Ironman 140.6. Okay, there it is, in black and white. I think I may just throw up now. After all, who in the world willingly signs on to do a triathlon that will last up to 17 hours, totaling a whopping 140.6 miles? I should change my name from Organic Sport Chic to Crazy Sport Chic!

Thankfully I have an incredible support crew, including my hubs, aka Hot Hubs, who has competed in an Ironman 140.6 and countless Half Ironman Races in recent years. To double the stakes, I am a triathlon coach myself and currently training athletes, so this should be a cake walk right? Now that I mention cake, the sponsor for Ironman Chattanooga is currently Little Debbie! Guess we’ll be snacking on Little Debbie Snack Cakes & Oatmeal Cream Pies along the way. It’s a Win Win!


All joking aside, I must admit this has been a dream of mine for years. I have watched Hot Hubs and several friends race in a Full Ironman Races, and there is nothing like being at the Finish Line when they have completed such a feat. The commitment that is put into training and the dedication is mind-blowing, but in order to succeed you must have both in your sight. This is my year, and I couldn’t be more afraid and excited all at once.

Oh and did I mention that I get the amazing opportunity to race alongside seven other incredible athletes that I currently train and my best friend is coming along for support? This is a WIN WIN people! (I must keep saying this to myself)

So here’s the best part. I have chosen to dedicate this entire year of training & the race itself to a dear friend of mine, Linda B. She has a lung disease that’s incurable. She is undergoing serious chemo treatments to kill off this rare disease, and has to carry around oxygen tanks just so she can breath. She is my partner in this race, as I will be taking her along with me on this journey. Remember reading about “Flat Stanley” when you were in school? Well I’ve dubbed Linda as “Flat Linda.”  HA! Need I say more?

Every swim stroke, every cycle stroke, every run step and every ounce of breath I take, I am believing for her to find healing in her lungs from this terrible disease. She is my strength and inspiration!

One year is going to pass quickly, so I plan to blog along the way through the good, the bad and the ugly. Another wild & crazy ride has begun. Slip your skirt on, fasten your seat belts, and hang on!