Tag Archives: thai

Raw Chic Donut Dreams



Society makes it so difficult to eat healthy. Yes, it’s a lifestyle change, but everywhere you turn there always seems to be something like donuts staring at you in the face! And they are not just the plain jane cake kind of donuts…. it’s the ooey gooey luscious chocolate frosting with sprinkles kind. The kind that scream EAT ME ! This ever happen to you? Good, glad to know I’m  not the only one .

If you have been following this blog long enough you might start to see a bit of a pattern. It’s no secret that I love food and that goes pretty much for any kind of food too. I do have an obsession with eating healthy, but like most people, sugar is my downfall. *sigh*

I have spoken before about RAW eating and how I try to incorporate it in my meal planning each week. RAW eating still is a bit foreign to me, but when you give it some thought, it’s really NOT thinking out of the box. It’s rather simple, and takes less work. Coming up with recipes, and food selections takes a lot more effort. With RAW, you pretty much just wash and go. Easy Peasy.

Here’s one of my secret weapons. Okay not really a weapon, but one of my absolute favorite kitchen gadgets. I have a fetish for all things kitchen.

May I present to you The Vegetable Spiralizer….


Pretty nifty huh? As you can see, this beauty can take an ordinary zucchini and make RAW vegetable noodles with a simple turn of the crank. When I say this is easy, I mean a three year old can do this! Of course I wouldn’t let small child handle this contraption due to the sharp pieces, but it’s quite simple and takes not time at all to assemble.

The ideas of what you can do are endless, but my very favorite thing to do is make RAW Pad Thai. My entire family loves Chicken Pad Thai, so when I stumbled upon a recipe for an all RAW Vegetable Pad Thai I was intrigued. Here’s my creation:


TA DA! Looking yummy huh? Here’s the break down.

RAW Pad Thai

~ Spiralized Zucchini

~ Spiralized Onion

~ Shredded Purple Cabbage

~ Shredded Carrots

~ Red Pepper Strips

~ Bean Sprouts

~ Sesame Seeds

Peanut Sauce

~ Peanut Butter or Almond Butter

~ Braggs Amino’s

~ Olive Oil

~ Crushed Red Pepper

~ Thai Sauce

Toss all veggies in a large bowl, drizzle with sauce, top with sesame seeds and dinner is served! How easy and delicious is that? Crunchy but bursting with flavor!

If you’re wondering where to purchase a good spiralizer, just click on this link:  Amazon.  

Bon Appetit!