Tag Archives: fresh fruit

Green Up



You hear a lot about green smoothies, green drinks and not always do they sound or look good. Honestly I didn’t find them appealing at all until I was strong armed into trying Hot Hubs green smoothie after a hard running workout. For one, I was very thirsty, and two, I didn’t have a choice as my water was gone. So green smoothie it was! Just looking at this glass of green sludge made me want to hurl, let alone the odd smell. I had resolved to drinking a glass of GRASS! I love trying new things, but this… really?

Then, it happened. What appeared to look and smell like grass actually tasted fruity, sweet and very refreshing! With my tail tucked between my legs, I had to admit that what I was drinking, was not bad. Actually, it was REALLY good but I was not about to go THAT far in admitting I was wrong. No, never! So here’s the low down on this cup of powerful blended fruit and greens.


All of the ingredients are raw, natural with no added sugars or juices. As pure as it can get! Are you ready for this?

Kale, Pineapple, Green Apple (I used Granny Smith), Pitted Dates, Ice & a splash of good old H2O. That’s it!

After a good washing , I chop the kale, pineapple  and apple into chunks. Toss all ingredients including dates, ice & a splash of water into your Vitamix (or blender if you don’t have a Vitamix, which I HIGHLY recommend) and blend til smooth. You can play around with the ratios as that’s where your creativity comes into play. It can be runny, thick, or even get wild and add some fresh ginger or add some fresh spinach to the mix or maybe some blueberries! The skies the limit on this, so have fun with it. While it may not look so appetizing, it is truly delicious and kid approved! My youngest who is super picky, loved it and asks for it often as a snack. He has no idea what makes it green, as I haven’t disclosed the ingredients to him. I just told him it was a special apple drink. Gotta be sneaky with kids.

So CHEERS to all things green! Drink up, it’s healthy and OH SO GOOD!