Tag Archives: be the change



Guess what………


Here’s how this works. I love social media, and I love to promote others and their businesses when I can. As you all know, my 13-year-old son is a Type 1 Diabetic. Overhead Films is going to be documenting Luke’s story through videography in hopes to spread awareness about diabetes. November is Diabetes Awareness Month, and we would like to ask you to jump on over to Hot Chic Sports on Facebook and “Like” the post regarding their November Giveaway. Share the post on social media, and you will automatically get entered into a drawing for a FREE skirt!

The game that Hot Chic Sports is hosting will take place on November 14th, in Orlando Florida, so the drawing will take place after the event.




Like & Share!

The Face of Juvenile Type 1 Diabetes


This is the face of Juvenile Type 1 Diabetes.


It is strong. It is resilient. It is determined. It is over coming boundaries. It is succeeding where it doesn’t seem possible. It is living and thriving!

Juvenile Type 1 Diabetes does not define this kid nor does it control what he does.

HE is in control and is determined to share his story with others in hopes to bring change to how they view living a healthy lifestyle.

November is Diabetes Awareness Month. We are getting ready to launch Luke’s story and bring change to legislation! This takes a group effort. This picture speaks a thousand words, but it also shows how a group effort can bring change to many lives. Chris Clark is the face of Juvenile Type 1 Diabetes. Chris was the first Type 1 Diabetic to complete an Ultraman Triathlon.


Thank you Chris Clark for starting a fire within us all. Together we,

Will. Be. The. Change!

November, Diabetes Awareness Month.

Be healthy. Be strong. Be resilient. Be determined. Be an over comer. Be the voice.

Be the change.

Off My Rocker




I’ve been sitting here quietly watching people in our society tear each other apart, day after day & week after week. Once in a while I catch a glimpse of humans actually helping one another, and see them encouraging one another. And when I’m REALLY lucky, I see them working together as a “team” to accomplish a common goal but TOGETHER. Working together for one purpose…. crazy concept right? Excuse me while I get off my rocker for a moment as I feel this needs to be heard. Let me get my megaphone…… wait, I don’t need one, I’m pretty loud. I think I’ve had a belly full over the last few years. I’m sad to say I’ve been witnessing this so often and it’s usually hashed out on our good old grand television and new media outlets, and not to mention social media outlets as well. The name calling, bashing, tearing down of others, ridiculing people for their choices…. the list goes on. OH…. stop there…. did you read that correctly? YES America, we make our OWN choices and have been doing so for centuries! When did it become okay, and quite common for media outlets, magazine editors, and news reporters to rip people apart one by one simply because of their choice of clothing, hairstyle, work ethic, and religious beliefs?

Today I had the privilege to be in a classroom of 3rd graders during a science project. The children were broken up into teams of three. Each team was instructed to build something from just a few parts, but work together as a team to accomplish the mission. You can see where this is going I’m sure. Needless to say, things didn’t start out too great, and there was escalating conflict almost immediately amongst some teams. Children are taught how to work together, it is not something we are automatically born with. As parents it is our job to teach our children to be “Team Players” when called to do so, and if we can’t do this ourselves as adults with other adults, then what are we really teaching our children? Kids learn from example, and what kind of example is our society setting up for the younger generations? The 3rd grade class science project had a good ending because of great parents and teachers that stepped in to lead by example.

I stand here on my soapbox, off my rocker to say this…… WAKE UP AMERICA and let’s start leading by a POSITIVE EXAMPLE!!!! You can accomplish MORE if you do it with a cheerful heart and with a positive attitude. It’s time to step up to the plate and BE THAT CHANGE! It sure seems easier to rant about it, and then sit back and do nothing as it is always harder to get out there and do it. So what if you’re a little put out for a while, or you have to plan ahead, or even take a step back and view the situation before jumping in feet first. Think of the possibilities when you can be apart of a wildfire of positive change in your life, your children’s lives, your community and those around you. The results from a situation that may have started out to be hurtful, can absolutely turn into something more wonderful. It’s all in how you choose to embrace it. Get off that rocker and let’s LEAD BY EXAMPLE! Okay, now back to your regular scheduled programming. Next up, a fabulous summer salad recipe!